Seriously, why torture us with awesome commercials for awesome food and drinks, if there’s not a Sonic closer than 500 miles away??
On the one hand, I could totally do the voices to go with these outfits. On the other hand, I’m a grown adult. Tough call.
An Etsy seller called All for Onesies makes…
It’d go perfectly with my Wii setup. And my house in the ’90s, when all the walls and furniture were painted white because it was “contemporary”.
Hell, I’d buy a game featuring the Amazing Stan Lee alone. It’d be exactly the same as the Amazing Spider-Man game, only the missions would revolve around making it to movie sets to appear in cameos.
I didn’t believe it when Stan Lee said it back in March, and now that Activision’s made it offici…
Bethesda put out a free browser-based version of Wolfenstein 3D, proving once again that browsers are the (eventual) future of PC gaming. Now if only Google could get wider adoption of WebGL….