by Mike DeVine  May 16, 2012 2:19 pm

I love hearing about this kind of horror story from successful past projects- especially from a company as legendary as Pixar. Just goes to show that even the best of us make terrible, terrible mistakes once in a while (not counting Cars 2).

These days, we remember Toy Story 2 as one of the great animated film sequels of all time, and as proof that Pixar Animation Studios was more than just a CGI flash in the pan. Certain Pixar staffers w…
by Mike DeVine   2:16 pm

Both THQ and Ubisoft have now learned a valuable lesson: The casual market may be good for a quick infusion of cash and a high initial ROI on a product, but in the long run it's the core gamers who will be carrying your bottom line across console generations.

Ubisoft ended the 2012 financial year on the up, reporting a gross profit of €718 million ($917 million) and sales up 2.1 percent to €1 billion ($1.4 billion) year-over-year, according to its financia…
by Mike DeVine   2:13 pm

So Nvidia looks to make cloud gaming more viable as an alternative to local-based gaming through future products. I guess the question then becomes: are they going to license this technology out to third parties to run the cloud game services, or will they try and plant a flag in the market themselves?

Using words we don't quite understand, Nividia has announced a new platform that will conceivably make cloud gaming a much more viable prospect. The Geforce GRID platform features "dedicated …
by Mike DeVine   2:10 pm

That Live subscription is gonna end up being more valuable than my Bachelor's degree….

The Xbox 360 has added a couple new entertainment apps for your audio-visual pleasure. Starting things off, in the States, there's the Manga app, which enables users to view full length episodes, …
by Mike DeVine   2:08 pm

Sounds like they were trying to do you a favor in asking you to hide your identity, Christoforo- no one in their right mind would hire you as Paul Christoforo.

Ocean Marketing's Paul Christoforo says his former client iControl Enterprises asked him to take on an alternative identity named "Tom" so he could keep working for them even after his name was marred…

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Hey! I'm Mike, this is my blog. and my dream is to use my middling tech skills to make the world a better place (not in the techno-libertarian, "the world is a better place if I get mine" sense, but in the actual, "I want to help" sense).  

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