R.I.P. Carroll Shelby, one of the greatest automotive minds in history, and a true American icon.
Just the fact that there’s been a term coined called “brogramming” is enough to make me wanna go back to school and become a dentist.
In Talent War, ‘Brogrammers’ Lose: CNN.com – Technology
Gina Trapani says the technology companies that promote a culture of frat house fun will lose out in attracting the smartest people
Another Glimpse at the Future of Video Game Planets [Video]Kotaku
Tinkering around with Directx 11, Romanian developer Silviu Andrei is building an engine capable of rendering not corridors, or arenas, but entire planets. More »
Touch functionality on everyday objects? Touche, Disney
It’s like Cub Scouts all over again- only this time I don’t have Power Rangers on TV to distract me from earning these babies.