by Mike DeVine  May 16, 2012 2:07 pm

It sounds like Capcom's looking into taking on-disc DLC content off of game discs altogether- which may seem like even more of a rip-off, as they're still charging full price for games with less content (locked or not), but it's actually a victory for the principle of game ownership. I'd rather buy a game with pieces missing and know I'll have to pay to get those pieces, than pay full price for a game without knowing I'll end up having to pay a second time for those same pieces I already own as part of my original purchase.

Capcom has taken heavy fire from gamers upset with the publisher's tendency to ship some of its games with on-disc downloadable content. Physical copies of games like Dragon's Dogma and Street Fighter…
by Mike DeVine  May 4, 2012 4:19 pm

Bullshit on this one, EA. I can maybe see if at one point you were planning on shutting down your game, changed your mind, and some department just didn’t get the memo in time. But that’s NOT THE SAME THING as what you’re claiming. Considering how much flak you’ve been taking lately, and how much of it has been deserved, you would do well to just come clean and show some transparency on this one.

Publisher Electronic Arts seems to have backtracked on its plans to shut down the mobile version of Rock Band following a massive outcry from fans and press yesterday.
Yesterday, customers with the iO…

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