by Mike DeVine  June 18, 2012 5:26 pm

Remember a time when the idea of a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover game would’ve sounded crazy? Me neither. So I can’t see why this teamup of Japan’s legendary Studio Ghibli and Cartoon Network’s hit Adventure Time, as envisioned by Super Punch’s David, wouldn’t also make for an amazing crossover. Of course, it would never actually happen. But hey, dare to dream, right?

You know that wonderful feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when two of your favourite things come together unexpectedly? Like tiny butterflies covered in honey, fluttering around down there?
by Mike DeVine  May 16, 2012 6:31 pm

Best news I’ve heard all month: Toonami returns May 26 on Adult Swim. I can only imagine the level of rabid enthusiasm on Williams St. right now, especially since someone who cut their teeth making Toonami programming just got a big promotion.

RIP Toonami

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