by Mike DeVine  May 16, 2012 2:19 pm

I love hearing about this kind of horror story from successful past projects- especially from a company as legendary as Pixar. Just goes to show that even the best of us make terrible, terrible mistakes once in a while (not counting Cars 2).

These days, we remember Toy Story 2 as one of the great animated film sequels of all time, and as proof that Pixar Animation Studios was more than just a CGI flash in the pan. Certain Pixar staffers w…
by Mike DeVine   2:13 pm

So Nvidia looks to make cloud gaming more viable as an alternative to local-based gaming through future products. I guess the question then becomes: are they going to license this technology out to third parties to run the cloud game services, or will they try and plant a flag in the market themselves?

Using words we don't quite understand, Nividia has announced a new platform that will conceivably make cloud gaming a much more viable prospect. The Geforce GRID platform features "dedicated …
by Mike DeVine   1:54 pm

PLEASE let this game come to the US. I've been waiting for projects like this to happen ever since SEGA went third-party (the closest we've got so far is the Mario & Sonic at The Olympics series).

Project X Zone is an upcoming 3DS collaboration between Capcom, Namco Bandai, and Sega. The game features characters from all three!
So far, we've seen a whole host of characters from various Sega, N…
by Mike DeVine   11:03 am

I remember hearing about Google Web Fonts a while back and thinking, “Huh. This could be cool eventually.” Flash-forward to now, and I’m blown away by how much this pet project has progressed. Embeddable fonts aren’t just a neat trick anymore, limited to web developers with too much time and bandwidth on their hands. Now anyone with a modicum of development skill can drop unique, eye-catching fonts right into their site- not images, but real fonts.

There are over 500 fonts, free to use, and importing them is as simple as copy/pasting some code. They even threw in a handy gauge to show you how much of a strain the fonts will place on your page’s load times. I’m currently experimenting with importing some very style-specific fonts into my site’s splash page, and so far the process has been extra-simple. Anyone out there who’s into typography and web/graphic design, should immediately add this site to their bag of tricks.

by Mike DeVine  May 14, 2012 7:41 pm

I used to love putting together domino rallies as a kid. But I never attempted anything this ballsy.

30,000 Dominoes Collapsed to Bring you This Insane Nintendo Video [Video]: Kotaku

It’s hypnotic. So many dominoes. So many Nintendo icons being made out of dominoes doing nothing but lining up then falling over. More »

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Hey! I'm Mike, this is my blog. and my dream is to use my middling tech skills to make the world a better place (not in the techno-libertarian, "the world is a better place if I get mine" sense, but in the actual, "I want to help" sense).  

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