by Mike DeVine  May 9, 2012 2:52 pm

Seriously, why torture us with awesome commercials for awesome food and drinks, if there’s not a Sonic closer than 500 miles away??

I’m not American, and I don’t live in America, so my familiarity with Sonic (apparently a drive-in burger chain) is limited. I am however very familiar with classic arcade racer OutRun, which Sonic is…
by Mike DeVine   2:50 pm

On the one hand, I could totally do the voices to go with these outfits. On the other hand, I’m a grown adult. Tough call.

This range of onesies – you know, those awesome little suits babies get to wear – are fashioned in the style of Pokémon. And they’re available for grownups.
An Etsy seller called All for Onesies makes…
by Mike DeVine   2:49 pm

It’d go perfectly with my Wii setup. And my house in the ’90s, when all the walls and furniture were painted white because it was “contemporary”.

I’ve got a basic rule when it comes to consumer electronics: the white the better. The white PS3, the original Xbox in its rare white, the DSi in glossy white, the new white 360, they all look great.
by Mike DeVine   2:45 pm

Bethesda put out a free browser-based version of Wolfenstein 3D, proving once again that browsers are the (eventual) future of PC gaming. Now if only Google could get wider adoption of WebGL….

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3D, Bethesda has released a free browser-based version of the full game.
by Mike DeVine  May 8, 2012 11:04 pm

How to Make XBMC Easier to Use (Especially for Non-Geeks) [Xbmc]Lifehacker

So you’ve created a kickass, play-anything media center with XBMC, but it’s a too hard for your less tech-savvy friends and family members to use. Here are a few ways to make your home theater PC so easy that your four year old could use it. More »

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Hey! I'm Mike, this is my blog. and my dream is to use my middling tech skills to make the world a better place (not in the techno-libertarian, "the world is a better place if I get mine" sense, but in the actual, "I want to help" sense).  

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