by Mike DeVine   5:26 pm

Remember a time when the idea of a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover game would’ve sounded crazy? Me neither. So I can’t see why this teamup of Japan’s legendary Studio Ghibli and Cartoon Network’s hit Adventure Time, as envisioned by Super Punch’s David, wouldn’t also make for an amazing crossover. Of course, it would never actually happen. But hey, dare to dream, right?

You know that wonderful feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when two of your favourite things come together unexpectedly? Like tiny butterflies covered in honey, fluttering around down there?
by Mike DeVine  June 14, 2012 11:08 pm

Floyd Mayweather, Jr. is acting like a spoiled brat. You are in JAIL- you don’t get to complain about the food, the water, the view…. it’s JAIL. And as much as I love seeing celebrities experience a harsh reality of the regular world the rest of us live in, I can’t help but wonder why Mayweather’s jailing wasn’t a bigger story to begin with. 

I still can’t believe that the fact he was going to jail immediately after his last fight was literally an afterthought. Seriously, are we that desensitized in the post-Tyson era to seeing superstars in the ring blow through repeated stints in jail for domestic violence incidents, that we can’t even bother to chastise them anymore?

His complaints are pretty hilarious, though. Remind anyone else of Paris Hilton’s infamous prison stay a few years back? Same scene, different diva.

Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s request that he be released from jail because the low-quality food and water have threatened his health was denied by a Las Vegas judge who says he should eat and drink what is …


by Mike DeVine   6:43 pm

Prediction: Within my lifetime, someone, somewhere will decide that the scene from “A Christmas Story” in the Chinese restaurant with the waiters who can’t pronounce the letter “L”, is too racist to be shown on TV. And my entire generation will simultaneously facepalm in response.

by Mike DeVine   5:57 pm

Internet Explorer 7 Tax Warning As a consumer, I’m outraged; yet as a designer/ developer, I’m tempted to stand up and slow clap. Aussie online retailer Kogan has imposed a 6.8% tax on all purchases by visitors who view their site on Internet Explorer 7. Customers who do choose to visit Kogan’s site via IE7 are greeted with a blatant, slightly snarky popup explaining that if they proceed to make a purchase they will incur an extra 6.8% fee on their goods.

It’s actually a fairly ingenious way to get around having to deal with the grueling process of cross-browser compatibility for those who insist on using outdated software (or are too computer-illiterate to know better). More importantly, if Kogan’s idea catches fire and other sites begin adopting similar policies, that could potentially accelerate the glacial rate of adoption for new browser versions across the web- and with the exciting features of HTML5, WebGL and other new web tech moving painfully slowly towards mainstream adoption, I for one am excited to see someone finally taking a real stab at browser standards enforcement.

Besides, every browser’s updates are free, and for those too inept to figure out how to do it themselves, the site’s popup contains handy links to the latest versions of the most popular browsers, so the tradeoff between disrupting customer satisfaction and working with outdated technology is pretty well balanced in this case. And doesn’t it make sense to encourage everyone to update who still runs a browser not capable of doing so itself? There’s virtually no way that those who update from IE7 would see any meaningful drawbacks from a newer browser, at least not in the long run, and doing so just once makes the entire web an easier place to build for.

After all, a rising tide raises all boats (except, ironically enough, for Netscape Navigator).

Kogan imposes world’s first Internet Explorer 7 tax.

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