by Mike DeVine  May 2, 2012 11:41 am

God, I thought I was the only one left who still thought these games were some of the biggest wastes of potential in gaming history.

If Darth Vader and Captain Kirk ever meet, I hope they will not do so while ice-skating. When Optimus Prime finally crosses paths with Harry Potter, I trust they will not spend their first hour togeth…
by Mike DeVine  April 28, 2012 1:35 pm

Free Radical's Collapse is One of The Most Tragic But it's nice to know that the founders at least moved on to bigger (smaller?) and better things, and hey- Homefront 2 developed by the remnants of the team that created GoldenEye? Sounds good to me

Co-founder Steve Ellis details the relationships, games and politics behind the fall of the TimeSplitters studio

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