by Mike DeVine  February 2, 2013 2:30 pm

Last spring, as part of my ridiculously long hunt for a job for after graduation, I decided to make myself a set of business cards to hand out along with my resumes at job fairs. I knew I wanted something that would stand out with recruiters, and reflect my personality.

After researching tons of crazy business cards, and coming across an origami-inspired business card from a local designer, I came up with a crazy new concept: a business card that doubles as a paper airplane. Years of folding paper airplanes as a kid came in handy as I experimented with the best approach to my folding card, as I iterated my initial design. I knew I wanted my business card to be able to fold flat like a traditional 3 1/2″ x 2″, so it wouldn’t be cumbersome for employers to deal with when in ‘business card mode’. That required using thinner card stock with no gloss layer, and coming up with a folding mechanism to hold the wings of the plane in place while folded up. More

by Mike DeVine  May 16, 2012 11:03 am

I remember hearing about Google Web Fonts a while back and thinking, “Huh. This could be cool eventually.” Flash-forward to now, and I’m blown away by how much this pet project has progressed. Embeddable fonts aren’t just a neat trick anymore, limited to web developers with too much time and bandwidth on their hands. Now anyone with a modicum of development skill can drop unique, eye-catching fonts right into their site- not images, but real fonts.

There are over 500 fonts, free to use, and importing them is as simple as copy/pasting some code. They even threw in a handy gauge to show you how much of a strain the fonts will place on your page’s load times. I’m currently experimenting with importing some very style-specific fonts into my site’s splash page, and so far the process has been extra-simple. Anyone out there who’s into typography and web/graphic design, should immediately add this site to their bag of tricks.

What Is?

Hey! I'm Mike, this is my blog. and my dream is to use my middling tech skills to make the world a better place (not in the techno-libertarian, "the world is a better place if I get mine" sense, but in the actual, "I want to help" sense).  

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