by Mike DeVine  May 23, 2012 7:37 pm

It’s a long, hard road to democracy in Egypt- but the Egyptian people carry no illusions about the process. Sharon MartinThey know it will be a difficult road ahead, as parties, candidates and the military try to figure out how to come to the table together, and lead a country that’s already greatly struggling in the post-Arab Spring Middle East. There have already been signs of further uprising amongst the population, including several clashes between protestors and the military over the length and extent of their caretaker rule of the country. But this is an experience every modern democracy has shared in its infancy- and America is no exception. That’s why it’s so important to take note of the important moments and milestones which will come to define the new Egypt in the decades ahead. Moments like the first free Presidential election in the nation’s history.

I wish all Egyptians a safe, successful trip to the voting booth today- hopefully your enthusiasm for the process will inspire those of us overseas, who take such important milestones for granted.

Egyptians began a historic vote for president Wednesday, even as many worried the army would stay in power if they don’t like the result.

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