by Mike DeVine   1:48 pm

And now we can close the book on one of the stupidest points of contention in this entire case. Did George Zimmerman actually get his ass kicked by a 17-year old kid? Yes. Yes he did.

A medical report by George Zimmerman's family doctor shows that the neighborhood watch volunteer was diagnosed with a fractured nose.
by Mike DeVine  May 9, 2012 2:56 pm

Blastr: Nebraska entrepreneur legally changes name to Tyrannosaurus Rex

There are good ideas and there are great ideas. And then there’s the story of the businessman who stood before a judge and explained why he wanted to change his name to tyrant lizard king. A York,…
by Mike DeVine  May 8, 2012 2:50 pm

Especially considering the ugly summer we had up here in Rochester last year, when several people were arrested for capturing alleged racial profiling by city police on camera.

After East Haven police were arrested for targeting Latinos, Connecticut’s state legislature passed an anti-racial profiling bill Monday.
by Mike DeVine   2:49 pm

I’ve always been fascinated by this Great American mystery. Why did an entire colonial village suddenly disappear? Why did they leave behind the word CROATOAN on a post on their way out? Turns out there may be more to the story after all.

One of the greatest American mysteries in history, the disappearance of an entire colony of settlers from Roanoke Island in the late 16th century, might be a step closer to being solved. The smoking g…

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