The Wii U is on life support. Can it be revived?
Let’s face facts here: The Wii U’s life so far has been an unmitigated disaster. Nintendo has struggled to sell the thing to consumers, third-party developers are hesitant to commit, and to top it all off, they seem to have had a time time convincing the public that their new system is even a system at all. More
I want all of these for my new apartment.
I used to love putting together domino rallies as a kid. But I never attempted anything this ballsy.
30,000 Dominoes Collapsed to Bring you This Insane Nintendo Video [Video]: Kotaku
It’s hypnotic. So many dominoes. So many Nintendo icons being made out of dominoes doing nothing but lining up then falling over. More »
It’d go perfectly with my Wii setup. And my house in the ’90s, when all the walls and furniture were painted white because it was “contemporary”.
God, I thought I was the only one left who still thought these games were some of the biggest wastes of potential in gaming history.