by Mike DeVine  May 10, 2012 11:06 am

I’ve always wanted to check out one of these places, and see how my great-grandparents disposed of their spare change.

What Arcades Looked Like Before Video Games [Arcades]Kotaku

The word “arcade” is these days synonymous with video games, but it wasn’t always that way. More »

by Mike DeVine  May 9, 2012 2:45 pm

Bethesda put out a free browser-based version of Wolfenstein 3D, proving once again that browsers are the (eventual) future of PC gaming. Now if only Google could get wider adoption of WebGL….

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3D, Bethesda has released a free browser-based version of the full game.
by Mike DeVine  May 2, 2012 2:18 pm

Who else would’ve come up with such crazy tech, especially so far ahead of their competitors? Sure, they’re still technically in the arcade hardware business, but that industry is a shadow of what it once was. Without a home console, SEGA can’t bring cutting-edge tech like 3D glasses to home audiences, a’la the most awesome game to play when drunk ever made?

We’ve looked at Sega’s pioneering role in the world of 3D gaming before here on Total Recall, but only briefly stopped on Time Traveler, one of the company’s two and only attempts at holographic, 3D a…

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