by Mike DeVine  May 21, 2012 11:12 pm

This box office showdown could not have ended more poetically. The culmination of a calculated, well thought-out, brilliantly creative production strategy by Marvel- and a movie named after a board game that has nothing to do with the actual board game. Between this and The Hunger Games giving Twilight the boot, maybe there’s hope for Hollywood yet….

The Battleship has been sunk. The experts were expecting the boardgame-inspired alien invasion flick to have a soft U.S. opening this weekend, but no one thought it’d be quite this bad. With the f…
by Mike DeVine  May 12, 2012 12:33 pm

Robert Downey Jr. ‘didn’t understand, didn’t get’ The Dark Knight – Blastr

Not everyone drank the Dark Knight Kool-Aid. Four years ago, while promoting his first stint as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. had some choice words for the Caped Crusader. He wasn’t a huge fan of the Batman sequel and didn’t get the hype surrounding it.

by Mike DeVine  May 8, 2012 2:45 pm

That’s fine, DoD. Let’s just see what happens next time Galactus comes a-calling; think you can protect “the homeland” all by yourselves?

Whenever a movie has anything that remotely looks like military tech, the producers turn to the actual military for help with gear that’ll look the part. But when Marvel came a-calling with The Av…

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