SPOILER ALERT: I’ve finished watching House of Cards.
I’ve been watching House of Cards lately- Netflix’s first ballsy gamble on original content for their streaming video service. Unlike virtually everyone I’ve talked to who’s seen the show, however, I chose not to hammer through the entire series in one weekend. instead I decided to go the traditional route, and watch the episodes one at a time, in roughly week-long intervals, as though it were being broadcast on a traditional cable network like HBO. But today I gave up on that approach, and I’m streaming the rest of the first season all day today, as I write this piece. It’s taking a bit longer than usual…. this show is damn addictive. More
Remember a time when the idea of a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover game would’ve sounded crazy? Me neither. So I can’t see why this teamup of Japan’s legendary Studio Ghibli and Cartoon Network’s hit Adventure Time, as envisioned by Super Punch’s David, wouldn’t also make for an amazing crossover. Of course, it would never actually happen. But hey, dare to dream, right?
Prediction: Within my lifetime, someone, somewhere will decide that the scene from “A Christmas Story” in the Chinese restaurant with the waiters who can’t pronounce the letter “L”, is too racist to be shown on TV. And my entire generation will simultaneously facepalm in response.
Best news I’ve heard all month: Toonami returns May 26 on Adult Swim. I can only imagine the level of rabid enthusiasm on Williams St. right now, especially since someone who cut their teeth making Toonami programming just got a big promotion.
Todays a day which shall live in infamy. My inner child’s appeased & all’s right w/ the world #ToonamisBackBitches http://t.co/JKeJY7pS