by Mike DeVine  March 10, 2013 4:54 pm

SPOILER ALERT: I’ve finished watching House of Cards.

Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood in House of Cards

I’ve been watching House of Cards lately- Netflix’s first ballsy gamble on original content for their streaming video service. Unlike virtually everyone I’ve talked to who’s seen the show, however, I chose not to hammer through the entire series in one weekend. instead I decided to go the traditional route, and watch the episodes one at a time, in roughly week-long intervals, as though it were being broadcast on a traditional cable network like HBO. But today I gave up on that approach, and I’m streaming the rest of the first season all day today, as I write this piece. It’s taking a bit longer than usual…. this show is damn addictive. More

by Mike DeVine  May 7, 2012 4:58 pm

Proper Parenting: Warn your child once, then let him learn the hard way.

Zack loves dinosaurs but until now he has never seen one bigger than himself. This is his reaction.

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