by Mike DeVine  May 21, 2012 8:04 pm

…And I’m not just saying that because I’ve applied for their developer program. The LEAP Motion system sits in front of you on your desk, plugs into a USB port on a PC or Mac, then basically functions as a knocked-over Kinect- gestures and motions are recognized from below and translated via the included Motion software.

The kicker is that instead of an expensive, top-heavy, motorized setup (the Kinect), the Leap uses proprietary technologies to achieve much more accurate gesture and motion tracking, from a much closer distance. What’s more, the Leap will retail for 70 bucks- markedly cheaper than other products on the market.

Assuming I get approved for Leap’s developer program (and I don’t need to sign any NDA’s), I’ll be sure to document my experiences working with it in my own projects, hopefully culminating in a review of the final product ahead of its anticipated release date this winter.

LEAP Motion in action

via LEAP Motion.

by Mike DeVine  May 18, 2012 2:32 pm

I want all of these for my new apartment.

Does your PC need a power-up? Perhaps a little boost in speed, power, and size? Or maybe it just needs more magic, or a certain sword. Or maybe your iPhone will charge better if you plug it into a …
by Mike DeVine  May 16, 2012 11:03 am

I remember hearing about Google Web Fonts a while back and thinking, “Huh. This could be cool eventually.” Flash-forward to now, and I’m blown away by how much this pet project has progressed. Embeddable fonts aren’t just a neat trick anymore, limited to web developers with too much time and bandwidth on their hands. Now anyone with a modicum of development skill can drop unique, eye-catching fonts right into their site- not images, but real fonts.

There are over 500 fonts, free to use, and importing them is as simple as copy/pasting some code. They even threw in a handy gauge to show you how much of a strain the fonts will place on your page’s load times. I’m currently experimenting with importing some very style-specific fonts into my site’s splash page, and so far the process has been extra-simple. Anyone out there who’s into typography and web/graphic design, should immediately add this site to their bag of tricks.

by Mike DeVine  May 13, 2012 7:37 pm

I have been a poor college student for several years now. How little disposable income do I have? I went to my first full-price movie in almost a year last night (The Avengers, of course), because I had won a raffle for a gift card at work. So when it comes to buying presents for loved ones, I’ve had to get creative. For example, since I haven’t been able to afford anything really worth getting my mom for Mother’s Day (and even if I could, most of the money I’d spend would come from her anyway), I’ve instead hit on the idea of putting to work my increasingly valuable skills I’ve learned as a result of her sending me to college in the first place. As a result, I’ve given her a present worth more, both in cash and in sentimental value, than most other kids at the same point in their life as I am. More

by Mike DeVine  May 12, 2012 5:59 pm

This guy has apparently figured out every last detail- right down to the porkbarrel spending from Congress- to make building a bonafide, functional USS Enterprise a reality in under two decades. I have no idea how feasible his ideas are, save one- his theory of using nuclear reactors as the propulsion and power sources makes total sense. What environmental risks are there from nuclear meltdowns in the vacuum of space? For that matter, can a reactor even overheat if it's surrounded by absolute zero?

In Star Trek lore, the first Starship Enterprise will be built by the year 2245. But today, an engineer has proposed – and outlined in meticulous detail – building a full-sized, ion-powered version of…

What Is?

Hey! I'm Mike, this is my blog. and my dream is to use my middling tech skills to make the world a better place (not in the techno-libertarian, "the world is a better place if I get mine" sense, but in the actual, "I want to help" sense).  

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