by Mike DeVine  May 21, 2012 11:15 pm

Can we just acknowledge that, regardless of anyone’s political views about the man, Barack Obama has done more for nerds and sci fi in the White House than any other President? Wouldn’t be surprised if he dropped in on Agent J in MiB 3, a’la Michael Jackson.

One supposes that when one’s father stars in so many movies featuring extraterrestrial threats, it might be easy to assume that aliens are, in fact, the real deal. And who better to confirm this t…
by Mike DeVine  April 30, 2012 8:07 am

Sorry, GOP, but Obama gets to brag about killing Osama bin Laden. After all, he KILLED OSAMA BIN LADEN

Days before the one-year anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, top surrogates for President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney took to the nation…

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